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Hokie Bird Virginia Tech Jet

The department strives to make air travel as safe and convenient as possible for all customers. Flying services can often be customized to fit specific needs, including choice of departure times, and locations.

Flight days should be scheduled not to exceed 12 hours. For example, if a flight departs Blacksburg at 8 a.m. and arrives at Washington, D.C. at 9 a.m. the plane and crew must depart Washington, D.C. by no later than 7 p.m. for the return to Blacksburg at 8 p.m.

If a plane is available on consecutive days, it can be scheduled to fly to a destination one day and return the next. Additional charges apply, including overnight expenses for two crewmembers, and any fees charged for the aircraft at the destination airport.

The Citation Excel seats a maximum of eight passengers while the Citation Sovereign seats a maximum of nine.

Please note that a minimum of three passengers is required per flight. To receive an exception to the three passenger policy, a request must be submitted in writing to the Senior Director for Auxiliary Services.

Flights can be cancelled due to inclement weather conditions. The chief pilot of the aircraft has sole discretion in deciding whether a scheduled flight can depart.